Shirley’s Coffee Shop took their pro-environment stand to yet another level as they joined the campaign to promote cleaner and fresher air. Though Shirley’s believes in each individual’s right or freedom to smoke, it also believes that smoking is one freedom that should not encroach on other patrons’ freedom for cleaner air, too.
Beginning June 2008, Shirley’s adopted and supported the campaign against second-hand smoke by banning smoking in their premises.
Hesitant at first at how the smoking crowd will respond to the move, Shirley's General Manager Susan Macario conducted a survey among the loyal patrons, both smoking and non-smoking. Some patrons gave hints of opposition early on although much to her suprise, a lot of smokers also expressed that they would still be loyal patrons of Shirley's regardless of the ban, simply because of the good food.
A complete ban of smoking inside the coffee shop therfore was put to place. Considering their smoking patrons, they have provided an area outside the coffee shop facilities, to accomodate them.
True to Shirley’s advocacy, a cleaner air isn’t just a way to enjoy a truly relaxing ambient environment. Everything else at Shirley’s simply comes down to what a second home truly should be. With a place like Shirley’s where you can enjoy excellent food, a friendly staff atmosphere, a steaming cup of coffee, and with wisps of clean, fresh island air to go with your dining experience to boot, what would you not give? With all these, it’s definitely priceless!
1 comment:
I love you, Shirley's!
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